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Tuesday, 27 March 2012


This is a very crucial key for you if you want to succeed. No matter in your career or in your life,success will never come automatically. You must never give up if you desire for success. If you insist, keep on your hard work, in the end, the wealth will be yours, prosperity will be yours. You must know that this is the spirit that you need to succeed in your life.Keys to Success - Never Give Up
Allow me to give you an example here. If you took a hammer, and hit the wall inside a house. What will happen? Nothing will happen, what you will get is just a loud “bang!” But what if you keep on hitting and hitting the very same wall? You will get a huge hole in the end; you can even make the whole house collapse with just a hammer. Therefore you see, many things which seem like impossible to happen. But if we keep on working on it without giving up, you will find that we can actually create something impossible.
Look around you; do you have any friends who are very rich and successful? Let me tells you, if you have this kind of friend, they must be very hard working. And you know what, they’ve been hard working for many years, maybe they’ve been very hard working for 10 or 20 years. However, if you are very lazy, the whole story will be different. If you are lazy for just one day, it is OK.
But if you keep on your laziness for 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 5 years and so on. Your laziness will become a massive destructive force which tends to destroy your life. If you see someone who lives a frustrated live, poor, this is maybe he or she is lazy. But let me remind you, this person is not only lazy for a few days, maybe he or she had been lazy for 10 or 20 years.
Every successful people out there face a lot of ups and downs in their route to success. But they insist and keep moving on. They turn the destructive force into energy and inspire them to keep moving on. Like what I mentioned just now, success will never come automatically. You will need to face many problems and challenges before you reach your target. Just like climbing a mountain, you will need to cross all the obstacles and climb all the way before you can eventually reach the top.
Actually I’m very impressed with those who had created amazing results in their life. A lot of people who pursue for success give up in the end. And they waste a lot of their precious time the moment they give up. Why did I say so? Let me gives you a metaphor.
Imagine that there is a stone in front of you. You keep on hitting it until it breaks. If the stone breaks after you hit it for the 99 times, do you think that it is the 99th times that make the stone breaks? Absolutely not! The 1st to the 98th times do contribute to break that stone. Well, this is what happens in real life. Many people hit the stone until half way, say 50th times and they found that the stone is not breaking, they give up and stop hitting it. What they do then is that they search for other stone and hit it again. They keep on hitting and hitting, again, the stone never break and they give up again. So you see, they’ve wasted the time and energy of hitting the first 50th times and get no result.
A quitter will never win and a winner will never quit. Look at Thomas Edison, how many times did he fail? Some people say that he failed more than 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. If he gives up, his name will never be known today. The thing here is that, he fails 10,000 times just to find out how light can be emitted. If he never fails before, it is impossible for him to know which material works and which doesn’t. The same goes to you, the reason for you to fail is to find out how to become more successful.
Well, don’t worry if you fail, because nobody will remember about your failures after you succeed. Don’t believe in me? Look back at Thomas Edison, what will you think about him the moment you heard his name? I’m sure that you will think of that he is a great man; he is a very successful person who invented the light bulb. So you see, you are not going to think about his failure, like he had failed 10,000 times.
The same goes to Donald Trump, the moment you hear his name, the first thing comes into your mind is that he is a real estate billionaire; he made his fortune with properties. You are not going to think that he is someone who once bankrupted and owed millions of dollars. Actually, Donald Trump’s failure even becomes the inspiration story for many people. This is the same as Thomas Edison, his 10,000 times failures become the motivation for many people.
Every successful people were once a failing person, but they did not give up and they know exactly that if they continued, they will achieve success, and they did. Therefore, it does not matter if you fail today, people will not remember about your failure after you have succeeded. I hope that you can understand what I’m trying to say here. Always remember, if you want success, then there will be no giving up in your dictionary. There is no failure in this world; people fail only because they give up. So keep this key in your pocket today and use it to unlock the door to success.

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